
Friday, June 10, 2011

Quote: Detail After Structure and Expression

"The realism of externals is a fault too common in our work today. We see too many pictures - in all branches of painting - where the interest does not lie where it professes to be, or where it should naturally be looked for, but is frittered away over the surfaces of things, on rich stuffs, or flowers, or weeds, or other minor points and accessories; while the central intention, or what should be the central intention, is but little regarded. I do not wish to discourage attention to detail, detail must and should be attended to, but it should come after qualities of structure and expression, not before. It is possible, with detail carried to the extremest point, still to be broad, still to keep to the structure, still to maintain the expression... But what we should guard against is letting ourselves be led away, by the comparative ease with which we can paint the little things, from the difficulties of painting the greater ones."

George Clausen

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