
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tip: Successful Glazing

Glazing is a simple idea that can be tricky to implement. Here are a few suggestions for making your glazes work each and every time.
  • Make sure the underpainting is nearly complete and the surface is completely covered with paint.
  • Do not try to glaze over paint that is still drying.
  • After glazing, you can vary the effect by removing some of the glaze with a cloth or dry brush. Dabbing at the glaze will remove any streaks and help soften edges.
  • After the glaze is tacky, add new paint to the modeled areas of the picture to emphasize the form and bring out more intense colors. This is helpful as glazing tends to flatten the image and dull some colors.
  • Do not glaze over a previously glazed area unless the glaze is thoroughly dry. Depending on the mediums used, the new glaze could remove portions of the previous layer.

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